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How to Write a College Admissions Essay

The college entrance essay is possibly the most challenging writing task students take on. This is because the college entrance requires praising oneself while putting as much relevant personal and academic information as possible into a very short space. Writing this essay type, in fact, can be a difficult balancing act. Even though the college entrance essay is often known as the personal statement, a distinction should be made between them. The term "personal statement" applies to personal letters for jobs and internships as well as to college application letters, and therefore may focus primarily or exclusively on professional experience....

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Academic Honesty: How to Avoid Plagiarism

Every year, students consistently get lower grades than necessary simply for failing to cite and quote sources. Professors, meanwhile, are becoming increasingly savvy about tracking down text from the Internet, so taking refuge in uncited web sources simply doesn't work. Further, services that sell papers can't guarantee you a high grade, or a high quality product. In a 2002 interview for Wired, Kenny Sahr, who owns one of the most popular "paper mills," stated that most of the papers he sells to students "stink." Fortunately, academic dishonesty isn't hard to avoid.We define academic dishonesty as intentionally misrepresenting one's actual knowledge...

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay

After the personal essay, the argumentative essay may be the most popular essay type for professors to assign. As a result, tons of argumentative essays are produced every semester. Many of them could be much better if students approached this essay type with a correct conception of the purpose of writing an argument. Your purpose is not, when you sit down to write your argumentative essay, to boil a complicated question down to a blunt and obvious answer. Instead, your purpose in writing an argumentative essay should be to seriously consider and address the strongest possible opposition to the point...

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Conquering College Stress

There's only one way to avoid the last minute paper rush thousands of students suffer from every year -- start planning your paper ahead of the class. Most professors and lecturers are fairly clear about writing assignments early in the semester, but even if they're not, you can anticipate what you'll be asked to write about just by paying attention to course content. Listen for something said in class that interests you, scan textbook bibliographies for titles that catch your eye, and spend a few minutes of web time now and then browsing your library's resources.Coming up with a workable...

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Choosing an Online Editor

Selecting the right online editor to assist with your academic work can be a daunting task. There are numerous sites available, some quite good and others less so, and telling the difference between them isn't necessarily easy. After all, if you're not immersed in the world of grammar, how do you know what to look for when surfing the academic editing pages posted online? There are, fortunately, a few marks of the quality an editor that do, if you know what to look for, reveal their relative skills. The following are just a few key questions to ask when considering...

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